
Paul Frémont

PostDoctoral Researcher, Weitz group, University of Maryland (College Park, USA), Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology (SCOPE).

I am a researcher in marine ecology with a special interest in plankton. I am especially interested in its response to climate change as well as its acclimation and adaptation capabilities using multiple tools and data (see Research).  

Currently, I am developing mechanistic models of phytoplankton and virus ecology on a large scale to study their diversity, biogeography and ecology in a changing climate.

I conducted my doctoral studies in France at Genoscope (CEA) in the Genomic Analysis of Eukaryotes Lab (LAGE) in collaboration with the Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory (LSCE/CEA). I graduated as a PhD in Ecology in 2022 from Université Paris-Saclay.
