Plankton Website

I developped an interactive plankton biogeography website that allows the user to explore the biogeography of different plankton organisms as well as their projected displacements in response to climate change by 2100. 

The website is accessible through the following link or directly on this page (see below): 

Each organism is defined by its genome and its realized environmental niche calculated with machine learning techniques described in Delmont et al. and Frémont et al. (see Articles). These genomes are Metagenomes Assembled Genomes (MAGs) and were assembled from the metagenomes sampled and sequenced during the Tara Oceans expeditions (2009-2013).

The website also includes an Interactive Generator of Biogeography which allows the user to create and visualize an environmental niche for one or several pseudo-organisms as well as its projected response to climate change.

Finally it includes a third tab that allows the user to visualize the climate change climatologies (present and future) that are used to project the plankton biogeographies in the other tabs of the website.